Mr Robert Condon and Dr Shilong Lu from Fidelity Data Networks Ltd introduced the PLEXUS platform: Fidelity’s new Plexus cloud-based, managed services platform connects intelligent devices to remote assets, networks, machines, infrastructure and industrial processes for real time monitoring, control and analysis of events and data. Plexus uses a DEVICE (such as a sensor, meter or micro-computer) to capture an EVENT (such as a product, system or process malfunction), which is relayed through a NETWORK, to an APPLICATION that translates the captured event and data, into meaningful and actionable information.
The speakers introduced the opportunities and challenges associated with the Internet of things, and applications of machine to machine communication, self-organising networks, secure communication, and embedded and pervasive devices. Two particular case studies of data capturing and analysis in the health care context were presented.

Posted by Hans Fangohr