Seminar by Boeing UK on Computational Modelling

Seminar by Boeing UK on Computational Modelling

Mon 24 November 2014

Sham Mustapha and Alex Sheen visited the CDT in Next Generation Computational Modeling from Boeing Defense UK, part of The Boeing Company that employs 170,000 people globally; 1,800 in the UK. Boeing’s business comprises Commercial Airplanes and Defense, Space and Security. Boeing is the largest aerospace company in the world and produces aircraft (such as the 787, 777 and 737), rotor-craft (such as the Apache and Chinook), unmanned aircraft, and the international space station to name a few. Boeing also provides training, maintenance and servicing for its products across the globe.

Challenges are driven by the complexity of platforms, including sensors, processing, weapon systems, communications, defence systems, propulsion, mission systems, structures and power systems; all of this needs to be operational in a range of deployment environments, including electromagnetic compatibility, others competing for communication bandwidth, transportability of the kit, and human factors. Modeling plays a key role in this to understand the trade-off between competing priorities.

Alex Sheen outlined key aspects of modeling approaches in his role as an Analyst, citing George E. P. Box saying that ” […] all models are wrong, but some are useful” and regarding the analysis of their accuracy: “Remember that all models are wrong; the practical question is how wrong do they have to be to not be useful.”

For more information, visit

Posted by Hans Fangohr