Computing with units workshop

Computing with units workshop

As part of the Advanced Computational Methods 2 module, iPhD students at NGCM CdT Emanuele Zappia and Hossam Ragheb delivered an introduction to the overall idea of computing with units approach in a form of a workshop. Specifically, the workshop focused on the Python library Pint.

In the first part, they gave a presentation talking about the overall concept of computing with units and its importance. Then, they explained basic commands of Pint and an advanced feature of this library (Buckingham pi theorem). This first part was supported by some live coding. In the second part, the class was invited to complete some exercises prepared for the workshop.

The exercises were performed on a virtual machine built ad hoc for the workshop. The class completed the exercises and took a survey giving feedback about the workshop.

All the workshop material is available here. This learning material can be used independently by future students and anyone who is interested in the topic outside Southampton.

Posted by Emanuele Zappia