Category: <span>Training</span>

Workshop on version control with Mercurial

As part of the workshops delivered through the NGCM Advanced Computational Methods II module, today’s workshop was focussed on an introduction to Version Control, and version control using Mercurial. All the teaching materials are available at, and can be used to work through the material or as a reference. …

Software Carpentry Instructor Training workshop, TGAC

The Software Carpentry movement aims to save researchers a day a week for the rest of their careers by training people in computational thinking. Led by Greg Wilson, the volunteers run workshops all over the world, covering computational tools such as modular, testable programming (via python or R), version control …

Pelican: convenient generation of static webpages and blogs

Today, the CDT students in year 1 learned about webpage and blog generation using the Pelican tool in a session delivered by the centre’s director. Static webpages, as are often used for webpages containing teaching material, documentation and blogs, can be created in many ways. Over the recent years, many …